Thursday, January 7, 2010

Analysis of Great Debaters by Adesogan Olubukola


The plot: The plot of this movie by Denzel Washington, "The Great Debaters," revolves around the true story about the all-black Wiley College debate team which, in 1935 Marshall, Texas, did what nobody had done before it. They found power in words and their own voices. Frustrated by the oppression restricting them at a time when racial discrimination was rampant and lynching of black people in Texas was very common, they decided to come forward and reach white America by debating at mostly white schools. The movie is a biographic film in the sense that it deals with a particular period in time; 1930s. it combines two dimensions i.e. the Wiley college’s victory and the achievement of securing a debate with Harvard University and the situation in Texas during this period.

The Theme: The film talks about the importance of education and the acquisition of knowledge for social change, the passion for excellence as seen in the character of the debate coach, Melvin Tolson, the need to stand for something u love with all your heart and the inhuman cruelty of racism.
Racial discrimination: this is the major theme in this movie. This is seen in the way the blacks were treated by the whites as though they were less of a human being.
Passion: The passion for standing up to your beliefs is seen in this movie as the debaters proceed to systematically turn out victorious in their debates until their voices were heard by the white people.
Betrayal and hurt is seen in the eyes of Samantha Booke when Henry Lowe, with whom she had an affair, flaunted his other woman right in front of her.
Shame is evident in their expressions when the came across the Negro that was tied up and burnt by white people.
friendship and solidarity between the debaters can be observed.

Formal Expectation:
The movie was for the most part, highly predictable, it was expected that the Wiley college debate team win the debate against Harvard University
Cheated expectation:
There was cheated expectation in the fact that Mr Tolson did not accompany them to Harvard and the fact that the debate topic was changed. Also, The film went largely as expected which was disappointing because it took the obvious course. They won all their debates, lost just one and won the debate against Harvard. The debaters did not experience enough difficulties and the final debate could have done with a little suspense. Also, the viewer would not have expected Tolson to show up at Harvard because of the restraint placed on him by the sheriff and as he appeared, it was expected of him to have at least revealed himself to his debate team but he did not.

Surprise and suspense: The only notable suspense was the tension at the end of the movie before the winner of the debate between Wiley College and Harvard University was announced, also, when Tolson and James Farmer jr were running away to avoid being caught at the meeting with the farm hands that Mr Tolson went for.

Causes an Effect:
Because of the scenario they witnessed on their way to debate where they say a black man tied up and burnt to a stake, Henry Lowe took to drinking which led to his acting out of line which led to Samantha Brooke’s getting hurt which led to her decision to quit the debate team which led to James Farmer Junior’s having the opportunity to debate for the first time which in turn led to the Wiley college’s first defeat.

Depth of story treatment: The story portrays the characters’ psychological state in various ways, Pastor James Farmer is portrayed as a strict and caring father who pushes his son to be the best he possibly can, James Farmer Junior can be seen to be very eager to please his father and very proud of his father, Samantha Booke is a young lady who is obviously easily carried away. This is observed by the speed at with she rushed into intimate relations with Henry Lowe. Henry Lowe however is a self-important young man who is not good at containing his grief. This is observed when he goes out for a session of alcoholic indulgence after witnessing the burning of a Negro by the white people. The teacher, Mr. Tolson can be seen as a fearless and strong willed person, doing what he believes despite the fact that his beliefs could and did eventually get him arrested.

Mis-en-Scene: Generally the shots used were medium shots during the debates which emphasized the conversational style, however, at the last scene of the debate, there was a wide angle shot as well as a crane movement which gives the view of the audience in the debate hall. The lighting was appriopriate for the 1930s setting and the costume captured the period very well.
• The behavior of the characters: Mr Tolson, a university professor and the coordinator of the Wiley college debate team believes in educating people, developing their mind to bring about change, he doesn’t believe in violence but academic resistance to oppression. He is very optimistic with a passion for excellence and he believes in social justice.
• Farmer Snr is a very religious and complacent man, he believes that the status quo should not be changed. And he is a very strict parent who wants and expects nothing but the best from his son.
• James Farmer Jnr is completely different from his father in a way, he joined the debate team and eventually established a congress fighting for the rights and emancipation of the black people. He is inexperienced and very young and he is dependent on his father though he is very courageous.
• Henry Lowe didn’t have a proper upbringing as he has spent most of his life parentless and alone so he is more likely to be involved in social ills, he has little respect for elders and he covers up his soft interior by being callous and hard.
• Samantha Brooke wants to achieve despite her gender and despite the fact that she would be competing against the male gender, this does not deter her at all.

Analysis of Great Debaters by Achunulo Esther


The plot: the explicit plot of this inspiring movie by Denzel Washington, "The Great Debaters," simply seeks the courage to raise your voice in the face of great hatred, opposition and fear and using a voice to fight oppression towards the blacks. The story is potent and serves as a reminder of the volatile politics of the time, when a black man could be attacked for simply owning a suit and a car or even mostly, educated. He has his team of four. Samantha Booke has just transferred to Wiley; Henry who struggles to balance his academic ideals with his hedonistic ways. And James Farmer, Jr. is the 14-year-old son of another Wiley professor.
The Theme: This film possesses a symptomatic meaning in the sense that it presents an ideology of a black man in a white mans world where lynching was common, they found power in words and their own voices. The shots were good, the soundtracks were good and most especially, the opening of the film depicted the typical black which was exceptionally good. The following, are the referential meanings in the movie:
Racial discrimination: this is the major theme of this movie. The whites were great racists and they treated the blacks like they were no human being.
Frustration: lynching was common, they were frustrated by the oppression restricting them, they decided to come forward and reach white America by debating at mostly white schools.
Victory: the victory over the whites by the blacks when Mel Tolson was freed from their custody. Also, the victory from winning the series of debated by Wiley college.
Determination and passion: the debate team was determined and had passion for their black race and wanted to use their debate to solicit for freedom. Also, it took the determination to stand at the face of many whites to defend their black race.
Fear: the fear derived when they were faced by many whites during their debate in Texas.
Hatred: the white had much hatred for the blacks that they wanted to eliminate every single black they find at their community.
Trust and Belief: Henry believed in the potentials of James and decided he gives him a shot of opportunity to explore his knowledge to the world. Also, Tolson hade faith and believed in his students when he left them at the train station when leaving for Harvard. In the movie, that accusation causes him trouble, but he still sidesteps the rumors to remain steadfast in his beliefs.
Formal Expectation:
It is most predictable. Something the viewers will all know is that after a long hardworking preparation for the debates most especially at Harvard, it was all going to be won by Wiley College. Also, one will expect hey were going to lose the debate at Oklahoma City college. It was also predictable that Tolson was still going to be released from the hands of the mobs.
Cheated expectation:
I did not expect James Jr. to win his first debate. Since he was portrayed in the movie as the childish and youngest one, one will expect it to take a lot of hard work for him to win a debate. Also, since this was not only his first time debating, it was also his first time debating in the large audience full of whites.
Also, there was cheated expectation where there debate for Harvard University was changed. One will not expect it to change.
In the movie also, it was not shown how Samantha forgave Henry. The only part that was shown concerning that issue was when she gave him a slap on his face. It was not shown how the quarrel was resolved.
Also, I expected at least a shot of Samantha and Henrys parents or relatives to turn up and expressing their feelings on how proud they are of their children.
Surprise and suspense: The movie was more of suspense than surprise. Suspense is used to delay the fulfillment of an established expectation. It was a surprise when it was found out that Tolson puts himself in increasing danger by acting as a covert labor organizer for local farmers. The suspense in this movie was when they were periodically threatened by lynch mobs especially on their way to Texas when they say a dead man, burnt and left hanging on a tree.
Also, there was great suspense in the debate between Harvard and Wiley College at the end of the movie. There was tension on who was gong to win the debate.
Bitterness: we have the feeling of bitterness on the part of Henry that led to his drunkenness after the experience with the mob. Also, Samantha was also bitter when she found out that Henry went drunk and was with another woman that night.
Pity: the feeling of pity can also be felt on the paths of the blacks. Being quite empathetic, we can understand the situation they went through in the movie.
Joy: the joy of winning in the debate was enough for them. Also, James Jr’s parents were joyful when their son made them proud at the debate at Harvard.
Anger: James father towards him when he returned home late from the homecoming party. Also, James Jr. was angry at the white mobs the time they attacked his family and him which they collected a large sum of money. Also, Henry was angry when he had a misunderstanding with his fellow team mates.
Disappointment: on the part of James when he found out that Henry had something going on with Samantha. Also, a feeling of disappointment when we found out that Samantha slept with Henry. The feeling of disappointment when Tolson found out that Henry came back home drunk a night before their debate when he saw the lynching mob scenario.
Causes an Effect:
The scenario of the lynching when there was on their way at night to Texas for a debate which affected Lowe’s emotionally which led him to drink. He was really bitter that night and decided to pour his bitterness on Liquor.
Also, as a reason of Henry’s hedonistic behavior, Samantha Booke was bitterly hurt and had to quit the debate. So, this now gave James Jr. the opportunity to participate in the debate that was eager to prove his intellectual worth to his demanding father.
Another was the fact that the reason that led to their success in the debate at Texas was when James Jr. concluded by recalling the scenario of the lynching on their way. They were nervous as it was their first time facing a bunch of whites. This was what bailed them out even when it was clear they were going to loose the debate.
Law’s consistent behavior of finding night outs to hang out whenever he is angry or emotionally down. E.g., when he had an argument with the rest of this team mates at Harvard when he decided he handed over the debate to James Jr.
Also, the lines their coach Mel Tolson taught them in their preparation process for all debate they wanted to embark on. Tolson feels he has something to prove and works to build up the school debate team to the highest national standards. During the ruthless tough audition process, students are put on the spot and asked to memorize those lines saying “………………………………
Similarity: there was a slight similarity between the two characters: Henry Lowe and Coach Mel Tolson. These two characters have an attitude of Challenge, brilliance, hedonistic ways. They also possess leadership attributes. E.g., in the part where they were put through a ruthless tough audition process, when students are put on the spot and asked to name and quote major historical figures, Henry seems to be the only one challenging him and also putting him on the spotlight. Henry is by far the most interesting of the three young leads

Analysis of Great Debaters by olaiya tomisin

The duo of Denzel Washington (the first black to win an Oscar award for Best Actor) and Forest Whitaker, another Oscar winner in his portrayal of Idi Amin in the Last King of Scotland can only give you perfection in delivery for any film they are casted. Nothing could come short of the acting prowess of these two people especially the former in the depiction of black negritude in American history.
The story is centered on a young man named Dr. Melvin Tolson who goes ahead in Wiley College to inspire three young debaters- Henry Lowe, Samantha Booke and James Farmer jnr, into becoming black national heroes with one weapon in their advantage- solid education.
The Great Debaters to a large extent, conveyed its message with the following elements:
EMANCIPATION: This is the predominant theme of the movie. The Negro emancipation from the shackles of segregation by the white majority was constantly preached in the course of the film. The film opened with a narrative voice of James Farmer a renowned black scholar moving for the racial emancipation of blacks through education. In his words, “Education is the way out of ignorance into the glorious light”. It was stressed that education was the key to combat the unfair and inhumane treatment of Blacks. Education would equip blacks especially in regards to historical knowledge in harnessing for equal rights.
The whole film centers on emancipation from Negro emancipation continually canvassed by Dr. Melvin Tolson’s debaters to the emancipation of workers including both blacks and whites. From the debate in Oklahoma University to the last debate in Harvard University, the central focus was always on the emancipation of the black people.
Thus, the movie was a clarion call for the necessity to bridge the gap between the whites and the blacks and the enjoyment of the fundamental human rights of the former by the latter.
RACISM/DISCRIMINATION: As indicated in the film, they were majorly two races portrayed- the negroids and the caucasoids. The caucasoids or whites are referred as the superior race while the negroids are the inferior race. This ideology has only resulted to strife.
The extent of racism in the 1930’s was projected in the first debate in a white school. There was a clear cut distinction between where the blacks and the whites stayed. It was also noticeable during the course of Samantha’s speech delivery when many white folks left.
The film also in line with the various debates, draws attention to the issue of separate learning centers for whites and blacks, slavery and the lynching of blacks.
INJUSTICE: The theme of injustice is birthed from racism or discrimination of the blacks by the whites. The exposé of injustice is shown during the disruption and assault of the Southern Tenants Union by the Sherriff and his officers to discourage any form of government opposition.
Subsequently, Melvin Tolson’s arrest for alleged involvement in the union is also unjustifiable under the human right law.
Most importantly, was the lynching of the black man in Texas for reasons unknown and the attempted assault of Tolson and his debaters by the white mob.
DETERMINATION: To have these laws against black people in America abolished, something had to be done and the only way for Henry Lowe, Samantha Booke and James Farmer jnr. To contribute their own quota in this process was through organizing debates which would serve as a platform for re-sensitization.
There was determination to make a change especially when they lost in Howard University and went over to Harvard University.
There was also determination by Prof. Tolson’s relentless attitudes
LOVE: The theme of love portrayed between Henry Lowe and Samantha. Also that of Prof. Tolson and his debaters.
HOPE: When the debaters lost to Howard University they were still hopeful that a showdown with Harvard University would emerge.
NARRATIVES: The film made use of the debate as a form of unfolding the major themes in the movie.
a. That the Debaters will end up victorious
b. Dr. Tolson would be arrested and later released from any charge of sedition.
c. Samantha Booke and Henry Lowe would fall in love with each other.
d. The ever obedient James Farmer jnr. would stand against his father.
At this junction, it is imperative to note some cheated expectations like:
a. That Hamilton Burgees would leave the team of debaters due to his father’s concerns about Tolson’s extra academic activities.
b. Samantha’s departure from the debate against Howard University leading to her replacement by the unprepared Farmer which led to their loss.
c. Surprised that Henry Lowe would debate against Harvard instead he stepped down for Farmer.
EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS: The film established feelings of love between Samantha and Henry; Tolson and the debaters, pity-the lynching of the black man and communalism-the support for Tolson by the black community.
CAUSE AND EFFECT: The major cause and effect is that James Farmer jnr’s witnessing of the unjust assault of the union workers would stir up the need for a revolution or change in him.
Another, is that the debaters witnessing of the lynching of the black man would ginger them into winning all their debates.
Also, the arrest of Tolson would only stir up protests by not only the union but the community.
Additionally, if Tolson had written the last paper for their debate, maybe they wouldn’t have won against Harvard University.
SIMILARITY AND REPETITION: There was significantly a similarity in the two crane shots used to show first, the journey of the Farmers and then, the journey of the debaters. These two crane shots indicated a clash between the subjects who were blacks and the whites.
Also, a gathering of two or more whites, signaled trouble.
DIFFERENCES AND VARIATIONS: The vulnerability of Henry Lowe whenever he is with Samantha in contrast to his rebellious and stubborn nature, displays his weakness.
Secondly, the arrest of Prof. Tolson who has always been known by the debaters as relentless and stubborn, also portrays him in a vulnerable situation.
The dual personality of Prof. Tolson that is, his academic activities and the union activities.
The two characters-Prof. Tolson and Dr. James Farmer. These two hate the conditions of the blacks, the latter is sad but quiet about trying to salvage the situation while the former, is relentless.
The difference between the uniqueness of Harvard University and the other black universities.
Lastly, the characters of the two debaters- Henry Lowe and James Farmer. The former is obstinate and rebellious while the latter, is quiet and submissive.
DEPTH OF STORY TRANSMISSION: The film plunged into the psychological image of James Farmer jnr when he was imagining dancing with Samantha Booke.
FUNCTIONS OF ELEMENTS:This is the justification of some elements in the film like:
a. What would have happened if Prof. Tolson had not stopped Henry Lowe from killing the man at the bar?
b. Would the three debaters have won if they had not been stirred up by the lynching of the black man?
c. Would they have won if they used Prof. Tolson’s script for their debate?
d. Would Henry Lowe have won if he had debated?
The mixture of Extreme Long shots and zooming in at the beginning of the film to show Henry Lowe and the band.
The use of crane shots during the journey by the Farmers and the debaters.
Effective use of panning especially during the Prof. Tolson’s address to the students.
Rear projection: From the background to the foreground- this is a reference point during the debate especially the one with Samantha at Oklahoma City university.

Analysis of Great Debaters by faith oniyide

The Great Debaters: directed by and starring Denzel Washington depicts a college’s heralded debating team of the early 1920s and the role played by the black poet and social activist Melvin B. Tolson, who served as the faculty adviser to the debating team. The story is centered this reputable social activist named Dr. Melvin Tolson who goes ahead in Wiley College to inspire three young debaters- Henry Lowe, Samantha Booke and James Farmer jnr, into becoming black national heroes with one weapon in their advantage- solid education. These three great debaters had their personal issue which is portrayed in the film and in one way or the other; they were able to defend the Negro’s based on the knowledge acquired and also personal experiences. The adviser was able to put them on track by telling his personal experiences and why he feels that the ‘Black’ should be fought for. He capitalizes on how the so called upper hand- slave masters kept the blacks physically strong and psychologically depending on their masters by taking the mind which is not suppose to be so. His main aim that he portrayed in consideration with the main purpose of the debate was to help to find, take back, and keep the mind of the blacks which is very crucial.
The Great Debaters to a large extent; I have been able to infer that it has graciously express a lifetime and impactful message of what it feels like to be free and not think of what might happen next…

The analysis of this film will be based under the following criteria:
 Themes
 Narratives: 1) former expectation 2) cheated expectation 3) surprise 4) suspense 5) feelings
 cause and effect
 Similarity and repetition
 Differences and variations
 Depth of story treatment
 Functions of elements
 Mis en scence
 Cinematography
 Symbolism
 EMANCIPATION/LIBERATION: This means the act or process of setting somebody free or of freeing somebody from restrictions. It can also mean the condition or fact of being free of freedom from restriction. This is a major theme of the movie. The Negro emancipation from the chains of segregation by the white was majorly and constantly portrayed in the course of the film. The film uncluttered with a narrative voice of James Farmer; a renowned black scholar moving for the racial emancipation of blacks through education. He feels education is the way out of ignorance into the glorious light. It was semphasied that education was the key tocontest the unfair and inhumane treatment of Blacks. Education would equip blacks especially to find, take back and keep their minds
The whole film centers on liberation from Negro emancipation continually canvassed by Dr. Melvin Tolson’s debaters to the emancipation of workers including both blacks and whites. From the debate in Oklahoma University to the last debate in Harvard University, the central focus was always on the emancipation of the black people.
Thus, the movie was an urgent or inspiring call for the necessity to bridge the gap between the whites and the blacks and the enjoyment of the fundamental human rights of the former by the latter.

RACISM/DISCRIMINATION: This literarily means the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior.

According to the film, there were majorly two races portrayed- the negroids and the caucasoids. The caucasoids or whites are referred as the superior race or upper hand while the negroids are the inferior race. This ideology has only resulted into nothing but strife, trouble, dissension, and friction. The extent of racism in the 1930’s was projected in the first debate in a white school. There was a clear distinction between where the blacks stayed and where the whites stayed. It was also noticeable during the course of Samantha’s speech delivery that many white persons left. The film also in line with the various debates, draws attention to the issue of separate learning centers for whites and blacks, slavery and the lynching of blacks.

INJUSTICE/PREJUDICE: This means unfair or unjust treatment of someone or people. The theme of prejudice is seen from discrimination of the blacks by the whites. The blacks are often referred to as failure. Injustice is shown during the disruption and assault of the Southern Tenants Union by the Sherriff and his officers to discourage any form of government opposition. Also, Melvin Tolson’s arrest for alleged involvement in the union is also indefensible under the human right law. Most importantly, was the execution of the black man in Texas for reasons unknown and the attempted assault of Tolson and his debaters by the white mob.
DETERMINATION/ WILL POWER: This means a process of deciding on or establishing a course of action. To have these laws against black people in America abolished, something had to be done and the only way for Henry Lowe, Samantha Booke and James Farmer jnr was to contribute their own part in this process of defending the blacks which was through organizing debates which would serve as a platform for exposure or enlightening. There was a determination to make a change.
LOVE: This means to feel tender affection for somebody such as close relative or friend or for something such as place, an ideal or an animal.

The theme of love portrayed between Henry Lowe and Samantha. Also, love is expressed by Prof. Tolson and his debaters.

HOPE: When the debaters lost to Howard University they were still hopeful that a showdown with Harvard University would emerge. They believed in themselves to still make a difference despite the shameful way they lost at first.
NARRATIVES: The film made use of the debate as a form of unfolding the major themes in the movie.
a. That the Debaters will end up victorious
b. Dr. Tolson would be arrested and later released from any charge of sedition.
c. Samantha Booke and Henry Lowe would fall in love with each other.
d. The ever obedient James Farmer jnr. would stand against his father.
At this junction, it is subservient to note some cheated expectations like:
a. That Hamilton Burgees would leave the team of debaters due to his father’s concerns about Tolson’s extra academic activities.
b. Samantha’s departure from the debate against Howard University leading to her replacement by the unprepared Farmer which led to their loss.
c. Surprised that Henry Lowe would debate against Harvard instead he stepped down for Farmer.
EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS: The film established feelings of love between Samantha and Henry; Tolson and the debaters, pity - the execution of the black man and communalism-the support for Tolson by the black community.
CAUSE AND EFFECT: The major cause and effect is that James Farmer jnr’s witnessing of the unjust assault of the union workers would stir up the need for a revolution or change in him. Another point is the debaters witnessing of the execution of the black man would ginger them into winning all their debates. Also, the arrest of Tolson would only stir up protests by not only the union but the community. Additionally, if Tolson had written the last paper for their debate, maybe they wouldn’t have won against Harvard University.
SIMILARITY AND REPETITION: There was significantly a similarity in the two crane shots used to show first, the journey of the Farmers and then, the journey of the debaters. These two crane shots indicated a clash between the subjects who were blacks and the whites. Also, a gathering of two or more whites, signaled or pin pointed trouble.
DIFFERENCES AND VARIATIONS: The vulnerability of Henry Lowe whenever he is with Samantha in contrast to his rebellious and stubborn nature, displays his weakness. Secondly, the arrest of Prof. Tolson who has always been known by the debaters as relentless and stubborn, also portrays him in a vulnerable situation. The dual personality of Prof. Tolson that is, his academic activities and the union activities. The two characters-Prof. Tolson and Dr. James Farmer. These two hate the conditions of the blacks, the latter is sad but quiet about trying to salvage the situation while the former, is relentless. The difference between the uniqueness of Harvard University and the other black universities. Lastly, the characters of the two debaters- Henry Lowe and James Farmer. The former is obstinate and rebellious while the latter, is quiet and submissive.
DEPTH OF STORY TREATMENT: The film plunged into the psychological image of James Farmer jnr when he was imagining dancing with Samantha Booke.
FUNCTIONS OF ELEMENTS: This is the justification of some elements in the film like:
a. What would have happened if Prof. Tolson had not stopped Henry Lowe from killing the man at the bar?
b. Would the three debaters have won if they had not been stirred up by the lynching of the black man?
c. Would they have won if they used Prof. Tolson’s script for their debate?
d. Would Henry Lowe have won if he had debated?
CINEMATOGRAPHY: The mixture of extreme Long shots and zooming in at the beginning of the film to show Henry Lowe and the band. The use of crane shots during the journey by the Farmers and the debaters. Effective use of panning especially during the Prof. Tolson’s address to the students. Rear projection: From the background to the foreground- this is a reference point during the debate especially the one with Samantha at Oklahoma City University.

Analysis of white waters


The plot: the plot of this movie by Amstel Malt box office, "White Waters" is simply about a boy; Melvin, who rejected by his parents because of his constant poor academic performance, grew up with his grandmother in Amori village where his passion for running attracted the attention of friends and foes alike. He was scouted by a couch who spoke to his grandmother to allow him train and compete with the other athletes. He meets and develops a passionate relationship with fellow athlete; Nola which brings him out of his reclusive shell until an unfortunate incident occurred where Nola was attacked and her possessions stolen from her has found with Melvin. This brought an end to the relationship and caused Melvin to retire into his friendless shell. Melvin, who was persuaded by the coach to continue training with the team to qualify for the athletic event, Even after he fails the team by dropping the baton in the relay race, the coach, acting on his own volition, trains him for the National championship competition where he proceeded to win 1st place, proving to himself, his family and everyone that he was not a failure.
The Theme: This film possesses a symptomatic meaning in the sense that it portrays the nature of some parents who write off their children as failures and abandon them as a lost cause, people who grow up with the mentality that they are failures because someone told them so, it may be their parents or their peers, and it also shows the fact that people who are said to be failures, more often than not, tend to shock the world or their significant others as the case may be with their exploits, this may be due to the fact that they are constantly trying to prove to themselves that they are not failures. The shots were exemplary, the characterization was superb and the costume was appropriate for the setting.

Formal Expectation: The formal expectation in this movie was when Melvin won at the end, it was totally predictable.

Cheated expectation: The cheated expectations occurred when Melvin won so easily, also, when he took Nola back just because she raised a cardboard that read ‘mon ami’ also when Melvin’s mother easily gave up on her own child and abandoned him in the village, also, the fact that no arrest was made and Banji went scot free after attacking Nola and planting he stolen personal effects on Melvin, when Melvin went to the doctor to get his grandmother’s asthma medication. Because of the delay perpetuated by Banji and his cohorts, one would have thought that the grandmother would be dead or in a critical condition by the time he finally gets home but that was not the case, the fact that Nola believed that Melvin was guilty even though she knew that there was no way he could have printed out the picture she found in his room and finally, the fact that Nola went too easily to Banji after giving the viewer the impression that she was a woman of principles, it was a real let down.
Surprise and suspense: The only notable suspense and surprise in this movie was when Melvin went to the doctor to get his grandmother’s asthma medication, viewers were anxious to find out the grandmother’s condition, if she was going to live or die and the period before Nola was attacked as viewers could observe that she was being followed but were not able to see who was following her or what they would do to her.
Feelings: the feelings in this movie are
• Love: Love between Nola and Melvin
• Happiness: Briefly, for Melvin, when things between he and Nola was still rosy and happiness at the end when he won.
• Loneliness – Loneliness of Melvin who has been abandoned by his parents and had no friend, this can also be seen in the naming of his fish; loneliness.
• Anguish: one can almost feel Melvin’s anguish when nobody believed he was innocent.
• Hurt: this is observed in melvin’s attitude when he felt betrayed by Nola, when Nola started a relationship with Banji, and when she did not believe he was innocent
• Pride: this is observed in the general attitude of Banji
• Anger: This is seen in Melvin’s disposition when the coach called him a failure
• Determination: This is observed in Melvin’s zeal to prove that he is not a failure

Causes and Effect:
If Nola had not extended a hand of friendship towards Melvin, he wouldn’t have come out of his shell his parents had not giving up on him he would not have fought so hard to prove that he wasn’t a failure. Also, if Nola had not taken him to the water fall and shown him the ‘farin ruwa’(white waters) his life wouldn’t have changed so drastically.
Repetition: repetition was seen in Banji repeatedly calling himself “Massive”

Differences and Emphasis: this is seen in the difference between Melvin’s step father’s attitude towards him and the coach’s attitude, while the coach believed in Melvin, his step father did not believe in him. Also, his mother and his grandmother, while his mother gave up on him and abandoned him, his grandmother took him in, cared for him and believed in him. Also in Banji’s attitude and Melvin’s attitude, while Banji was exceptionally good at running and was very proud due to that singular fact, Melvin was even better than him and was humble.

• Setting: The setting is in the village and a huge part was on the village training field.
• Lighting: The lighting was perfect and greatly emphasized the village setting.
• Costume: The made use of normal clothes except where they were on the training ground, there they made use of leotards and other sports wear.
• Behavior of characters: the characterization was excellent except Melvin’s mother, it is usually not easy for a mother to give up her own child, she did not act like a mother.

Symbolism: The white water symbolizes a turnaround for Melvin, and symbolism can also be seen in the naming of his fishes; Loneliness, for when he was lonely and friendless and Mon ami which means ‘my friend’.

Personal Observation: firstly, Nola shouldn’t have had a relationship with Banji, Melvin should not have won so easily, Banji should have been arrested, Melvin’s family should have shown up at the end to see their failure of a son actually win, the viewers should have been shown at some point in the movie how Nola was attacked and who attacked Nola.

analysis of slumdog millionaire BY faith oniyide


Slumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British film directed by Danny Boyle, screenplay written by Simon Beaufoy, and co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan. It is an adaptation of the novel Q & A (2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Set and filmed in India, the film tells the story of a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appears on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Kaun Banega Crorepati in the Hindi version) and exceeds people's expectations, thereby arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials.
After its world premiere at Telluride Film Festival and later screenings at the Toronto International Film Festival and the London Film Festival, Slumdog Millionaire initially had a limited North American release on 12 November 2008, to critical acclaim. It later had a nationwide grand release in the United Kingdom on 9 January 2009 and in the United States on 23 January 2009. It premiered in Mumbai on 22 January 2009. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on 31 March 2009.
Slumdog Millionaire was nominated for ten Academy Awards in 2009 and won eight, the most for any film of 2008, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. It also won seven BAFTA Awards (including Best Film), five Critics' Choice Awards, and four Golden Globes. Slumdog Millionaire has been criticised concerning language use, its portrayals of Indians and Hinduism, and the welfare of its child actors.
The film opens in medias res in Mumbai with a policeman torturing Jamal Malik (Dev Patel), a former street child from the Juhu slums.
In the opening scene, Jamal has been a contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, hosted by Prem Kumar (Anil Kapoor). He has already won Rs.10,000,000 and has made it to the final question, for Rs. 20,000,000, scheduled for the next day. Following up on a tip-off from Kumar, who is jealous of the attention being paid to the contestant, the police now suspect Jamal of cheating.
Jamal explains that he knew the answers to most of the questions merely by chance, because of things that had happened in his life, events conveyed in a series of flashbacks to his childhood. These include the death of his mother during anti-Muslim violence (rekindling memories of the 1993 anti-Muslim attacks in the Bombay slums), and how he and his brother Salim befriended the girl Latika (played by Rubina Ali as a child). He refers to Salim and to himself as Athos and Porthos, two of the Three Musketeers. Latika is the third, whose name they never learn.
The theme of slumdog millionaire can be called ‘destiny of live’. This film is abot 2 individuals that have been detined for each other. In the story line, Jamal was constantly in a search for Hatika. The Destiny idea of the film is shown through rthe film.
• The theme of Hope: - the theme of hope is evident in Jamal persistency. He went to play the millionaire game.
• The theme of Forgiveness: - Jamal forgave his brother, despite all he did to him, taking Latika away, deflowering her. Etc
• The theme of cruel absurdity of bthe world: - the world of Jamal, Salim, Latica was so absurd. They did not grow up with their parents, they were left with their parents, and they were left to fend for themselves.
There are two narratives embedded in one. The first is Jamal, quiz show and Jamal’s flash back. The two was brought together without any conflict. Right on the show, there was flask backs. The flash back made the second narratives.
Jamal will always get the answers to the questions. Right from the beginning, he always had an experience to match up with the questions.
Salim is not expected to join frauds. Despite the fact that he has the tendency, evil is not supposed to triumph over good. This group also led to his death.
The scenario of Salim’s death is a cheated expectation.
Jamal eventually re united with Latika and he also won the quiz competition.
Jamal’s reaction towards the death of his brother was not shown.
love, pity, sadness, sympathy, sorrow and pain. They were all evident in the film. Jamal had the passion of love towards Latika and he always expressed it by coming back for her.
The major cause of effect was the experience Jamal had and his ability to answer the questions. The film was very consistent; one scene was linked to the other. One event let to the other which is peculiar to every narrative.
Right from the point Jamal and Latika met there was consistently where Jamal is shown and the next scene Latika is shown.
There is also yellow clothing on Latika from her young, teenage and adult age. Salim also showed a consistency on some one that is villain. The rescue of Latika was also expected severally. The anchor of the film was written and shown at the beginning and end of the film. The same shot of Latika being at the train station was also expected severally. The sight of seeing Jamal smiling was also repeated.
The lives of Jamal and Salim are different. The slum when they were quite young ended up to a mega city when they were grown. Jamal never had the intention of winning the quiz; he only wanted to be seen.
Jamal when he was thinking of throwing his brother over from the boundary. Moreover, the whole film is built on this dept of story treatment.
• The killing of Jamal’s mother was not necessary.
• The part where Jamal was tortured for getting answers was also not needed.
• Attitude of the host was also out of the ordinary for hating Jamal answering the questions.
• Why did Salim go that bad?
• Fast cutting (transitions)
• At some points, there was jarring of the camera/visuals.
• The use of close up shots was much on the actors. Close up shots, helps the viewer identify with the actor. The music was rhythmic.
• There was different directional angle of characters. These techniques will not help the audience identify more with the actors.
• Crane shots were used in showing the roofs of houses in the slum.
• There was also rare projection, where a background brought closely to the foreground.

Analysis of Cindy's note

Analysis of the movie CINDY’S NOTE by Amstel Malta Box Office (AMBO)
STORY: Amaka Ezeala
DIRECTOR: Izu Ojukwu
PRODUCER: Wonter Fujnout
CAST: Bharia Mcwizu (Cindy), Nonso Diobi (Wilson), Clem Ohameze (Mr Kyafa), Kasimu Yero (Principal), Jennifer Ayomoh (Wande), Toyin Phillips Ayoola (Zonal Cordinator)
the explicit plot of this inspiring movie by Amstel Malt box office, "Cindy’s Note," is simply a passionate lady (Cindy Haastrop) who.served in Usse Communnity high school for her youth service and took is upon herself change their abysmal situation of the school. This story is all about impacting positive changes in the lives of people. Cindy finds herself where she feels she can’t cope with underdeveloped

This film possesses a symptomatic meaning in the sense that it portrays the nature of some youth corpers who find it difficult to adapt to certain standards of living. They look down on such places and try to work out their posting to urban cities instead of trying to change the situation. The shots were good, the soundtracks were good, and it depicted a typical village setting appropriately. Most especially, the characterization was superb. The following, are the referential meanings in the movie:
Theme of determination and Change: Cindy was willing to effect a change in the Usse community school. She saw the current situation and was not satisfied with it.Cindy’ determination to leave Wuse community for Lagos got her involved in teaching in Wuse community. Her determination to see the growth of Wuse community school enabled her to go through all the struggles she went through. Her determination and passion for change caused her to involve herself in activities in the community and her determination to see the children grow in their studies and social life enables her to start a recreation activity for the students (Volleyball). Her determination to see the school grow made her Mr Kyafa’s enemy. Her determination for change made her to stay back at the Wuse community when it was time to go home for holiday to get involved and familiar with the place. Her passion for change also made she to provide books for the student and to get other student in the community when to go to school.
Theme of hope and care: Wande and the rest of the class were hopeful that Cindy would come back after teaching them chemistry. Wande was happy that she Cindy had care for her, she sould comfort her and she loved her.
Theme of love and friendship: because of Cindy’s friend she was able to get books for the students and the school; she was able to impact her quota to the community school. Her friendship with Wilson and Wande gave her the drive and motivation she needed to do her job and contribute to the community school. The love they shared made them to understand themselves whenever they had any form of disagreement and made them forgive one another.
Theme of corruption and societal decadence: Mr Kayfa was socially corrupt this was reflected when Cindy was building a volleyball court and he said that land belonged to him. Another example was when he was being paid for extra class lessons which were supposed to be free. Another example was the thief at the market square, and the community which lacked social amenities like water, electricity and good houses.
Theme of greed and selfishness: Mr Kayfa was greedy and selfish a man who cared about himself and was not bothered about other. This theme was also reflected in the life of Ngozi all she was bothered about was money and she didn’t care if she got her money in an unpleasant manner so far as she was paid.
Passion: In the process of trying to effect change, Cindy showed a lot of passion in doing that. She went to the extreme in other to effect this change. Despite the fact that there were many obstacles and discouragement, she still wanted this change for the betterment of the students.
Service: she was committed to her service. Although she had already been discouraged from the beginning, she still came back to complete her service to the community school and to the nation.
Victory: the victory of Cindy over the lecturer Zancha and over illiteracy that had eaten deep into the hearts of parents in the village. Also, the victories admonish illiteracy and brought quality education in the Usse community.

To start with, the significant difference between Lagos and Usse in Taraba state. Lagos is an urban centre with basic social amenities but Usse is the clear opposite.
Cindy was posted to Taraba state to serve but she wanted to redeploy at the end of the day she made great impact at the community in which she served Wuse community school, she enjoyed her stay though disappointing at the initial realm but encouraging later on, she met a special friend (Wande) and a boyfriend.
In conclusion, the whole film delves on differences and variations especially in comparing the standard of living between Usse and Lagos.

For Cindy trying to change the school and putting up her attitudes, she was able to achieve that mission. Her attitude impressed the principal so well that he let her continue her stay in the school. If she hadn’t put up that persistence, she wouldn’t have achieved what she wanted to.
Also, in Cindy meting the female student, shagged her life also. If she hadn’t met the female student her friend, and she didn’t feel pity for her, she would have definitely not returned. This is because she wanted the best for her and also the remaining students.
Cindy’s posting to Wuse made her to contribute her quota to the community and it enabled her to make great impact in the community. Mr Kayfa’s sending Wande out of class enabled Cindy have her first contact and disagreement with him which led to the stoppage of paying for after school lessons and his retirement. Wilson’s retrieval of Cindy’s purse led to their first disagreement which later led to their friendship and intimacy. The fight between the students led to Cindy teaching chemistry which later on made her the teacher. Her introduction of volleyball in the school made the community children interested in school. Wande’s aunt talking about the tractor, the struggle she experienced with the NYSC Secretary General led her to visit the local government chairman and the result was seen when the tractor was working at the end.

• Bitterness: - we have the feeling of bitterness on the part of Cindy’s friend Wilson always get angry about Cidy’s bad habits and her attitudes towards trying to change the school. He always tells her to do her service work and leave, but Cindy was determined to make a change in the community. He was also bitter when Cindy didn’t show any sign of gratitude when he got her purse back from a pocket lifter in the village square.
Feeling of hatred was and rejection was shown throughout the movie between Mr Kayfa and Cindy. The feeling of pity, pain and love was seen when Cindy changed her mind to stay back at Wuse because of the love and pity she had towards Wande and the students. Cindy had pity towards the student that what was led her to getting text books for them. The love Cindy had for Wilson. Wilson couldn’t conceal or hide his feelings for Cindy.

The movie started with Cindy reading a letter and the movies ended with Cindy reading a letter and the movie ended with Cindy reading a letter. Viewing the school from the hilltop, when Cindy is entering the school. Cindy being the hero in the movie. Cindy always receiving phone calls. Repetition of students walking with their books. The entrance of the principals door was always seen, there were lot of night scenes showing the dark clouds.
1. Cindy would make a major impact in the community.
2. Wande would play a major role in influencing and salvaging Cindy in her decisions.
3. That Cindy would not end up going to Lagos for a redeployment.
4. Cindy would fall in love with her fellow corper- Wilson.
5. The villagers at a point would stand up against Cindy due to her increasing influence on the children to get education and engage in extra curricular activities- playing of volleyball.
Cheated expectations:
1. The outcome of Cindy’s friends
2. The end of Cindy and Wilson
3. The English teacher did not mobilize people against Cindy
4. The farmer who was injured by the students did not die and his quick forgiveness of Cindy
5. How the other students, the English teacher, the Principal and the students ended up.

It was obvious that Cindy was a lady of her words once she had her mind made up towards a particular situation or she had set her mind towards achieving something she makes sure that it is achieved. It was obvious that Cindy had a great passion for change and she always had feelings for Wilson. The principal was a calm, disciplined man who wanted the school to grow. Wande was obviously seen as a girl with a bright future. The entire film builds on the diary or the flashback of Cindy who narrates every event as it unfolds..

Why was Mr Kayfa always harsh on Wande and Cindy? It was said that there was no electricity in the community yet Cindy always had her phone on. How Cindy learnt the language was a mystery o the viewers. This is the justification of some elements in the film like:
a. What Cindy have made much impact if she redeployed to Lagos?
b. Would Wilson had stood up for Cindy against the villagers’ hostility if he was around when the farmer was injured?
c. Would Wande have found the zeal to continue her education if Cindy had left earlier on?
d. Would Usse have remained in such a precarious situation if not for Cindy?
e. Would Cindy have made much impact if the English teacher had not opposed her in most of her policies?

The use of close up shots.
The use of long shots.
The use of musical rhythm as background music.
The use of crane shots.
The use of hand held camera: at the market when wilson was running after the thief.
The use of suspence.